Méridiennes Télécom en mai

Les animateurs de l’axe Composants et circuits pour les télécoms propose un nouveau format de présentation des domaines de recherche de l’axe : 1 fois par mois, à 12h, 1 orateur, 1 exposé de 30 minutes et 30 minutes de questions.
Lieu : Phelma - salle Z205
Début : 12h
Orateur : Ursula Ebels - Spintec
Titre : Spintronics for smart communication applications

Résumé :
Spintronics building blocks such as magnetic tunnel junctions are well known for their applications as magnetic memories and magnetic sensors. These same buildings blocks are characterized by very interesting, multifunctional dynamic properties provided through the oscillatory motion of the magnetization. These dynamic properties, in conjunction with spintronics concepts, permit to generate and detect microwave signals in the range of 100 MHz to several tens of Gigahertz which is of interest for applications within smart sensor and communication networks. Here we first introduce the multifunctional dynamic properties of magnetic tunnel junctions and then present past and recent efforts for embedding these devices into microwave circuits for specific target applications, ranging from phase locked loop operation and nanosecond timescale spectrum analysis, to true random number generation and unconventional computing concepts.